Thursday, 9 July 2009

Hope Day 18 goes FAST!!!!!!!!!

Oh dear think the lack of food is effecting me already!!! Yes FAST day has arrived, I have actually been quite busy so far today which has helped but I am just starting to feel the first rumbles going on and trying to ignore them!!

Today was re measure day! I am back to 4lbs down still very slow loss in weight but I feel smaller than that! I have lost a further 3" in size though mainly from waist, abdomen and hips!

I am going to put in maximum effort for the last of this plan! I have been working hard but I can put in more effort, I can push eavier weights, I can try to go that little bit faster.

I am going to do workout 2 in a mo then I'm taking my daughter shopping to West Quay for the afternoon hoping the clothes shopping will take my mind of eating or the lack of it! Roll on 5-30pm!! Actually its only 4 1/2 hours to go!!

More later............


  1. you go girl!!!! Its only 9am here so I have alot more hours to go!

  2. Yep, 9:30am here, and I can't eat until 8pm tonight. Dinner was late yesterday!

    Enjoy your dinner tonight!

  3. ya keeping busy really helps! Shopping outta inspire you too!

  4. Good luck with yours too girls xx
